Healthy Caramel Sauce

Healthy Caramel Sauce


This delicious healthy caramel sauce is gluten, egg and dairy free. It is delicious over apples, ice cream or whatever you want to drizzle it over.


It is the sweet ingredient in this recipe for my healthy apple tart that is also gluten, egg and dairy free.

Apple Tart - 13 of 19

It is so easy to make and can keep for a week or two in the fridge. Enjoy!



2/3 cup granulated coconut sugar
1/2 cup honey
4 tablespoons coconut oil or butter
Dash or two of unrefined salt (more for a “salted caramel taste”)
1 cup full-fat coconut milk
2 teaspoon vanilla


In a small saucepan, put in the coconut sugar, honey, and coconut oil or butter, along with the salt. Heat over medium heat, stirring to evenly melt the honey and coconut oil or butter.

As soon as it’s starting to bubble, set the timer for two minutes. Stir the bubbling mixture once or twice during these two minutes.

caramel 9

Very carefully stir in the coconut milk until it is mixed in.


Once it has returned to a low simmer, simmer for another minute or two, or until the mixture has thickened up again (it won’t be super thick while hot…but will thicken up considerably as it cools. You want it to be thick enough to coat a spoon, but still thin enough to be very easy to drizzle. Don’t heat longer than two minutes).
Take off of the heat, and stir in the vanilla. Let cool to desired temperature before serving. If you want a warm caramel sauce, simply reheat before serving.

Will keep at least 1-2 weeks refrigerated. Makes 2 cup.